rustic - définition. Qu'est-ce que rustic
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Qu'est-ce (qui) est rustic - définition

Rustic (disambiguation); The Rustic

I. a.
Rural, country.
Countrified, unpolished, uncouth, clownish, inelegant, hoiden, hoidenish, rough, awkward, untaught, rude, outlandish, boorish.
Simple, plain, coarse, unadorned, homely, countrified.
Simple, artless, honest, unsophisticated.
II. n.
Swain, peasant, clown, boor, hind, countryman.
You can use rustic to describe things or people that you approve of because they are simple or unsophisticated in a way that is typical of the countryside.
...the rustic charm of a country lifestyle.
ADJ: usu ADJ n [approval]
·adj Simple; artless; unadorned; unaffected.
II. Rustic ·adj Rude; awkward; rough; unpolished; as, rustic manners.
III. Rustic ·adj Coarse; plain; simple; as, a rustic entertainment; rustic dress.
IV. Rustic ·adj Of or pertaining to the country; rural; as, the rustic gods of antiquity.
V. Rustic ·noun An inhabitant of the country, especially one who is rude, coarse, or dull; a clown.
VI. Rustic ·noun A rural person having a natural simplicity of character or manners; an artless, unaffected person.



Rustic may refer to:

  • Rural area
  • Pastoral
Exemples de prononciation pour rustic
1. It's rustic.
Lindsay Gardner & Nite Yun _ Why We Cook _ Talks at Google
2. French meals, more rustic.
The Latin Road Home _ Jose Garces _ Talks at Google
3. That seems very rustic.
Flour and Water _ Thomas McNaughton _ Talks at Google
4. in. Very, very rustic bowls.
Business Mensch _ Noah Alper _ Talks at Google
5. And it was very rustic.
Top Chef, Spruce, and Beyond _ Chef Rogelio Garcia _ Talks at Google
Exemples du corpus de texte pour rustic
1. Meals are eaten around the rustic wooden dining table.
2. Employees in overalls bustle about in the rustic–looking shop.
3. Same smile, same green eyes, same rustic speech pattern.
4. Traditional Basque food is hearty, rustic, and simple.
5. He finds the minister‘s rustic nature quite appealing.